Friday, November 23, 2007

What are you afraid of? Is it a good fear? A bad one? what?


.justin said...


that's my safe answer.
because i have lots of fears.
mostly rooted in my inadequacies.

too deep to touch.
if i touch them it causes vulnerability, honesty, and it's just easier to keep them stuffed...

whoa, that was pretty honest.
and cheap.

i love you boys.
you are my heroes.

Mr. John said...

pretty scary stuff:
forgetting a class assignment
wasting my life
family members dying
my future (especially career-wise)
looking like a fool

the last one, looking like a fool, is probably the one that bothers me most often. i guess it’s basically the fear of failure. i am afraid to fail and have everyone know about it/see it. i don’t like looking stupid. (which is different from looking like a dork. i'm usually ok with looking like a dork.) i don’t want people to see me as a freak.

i think this is a bad fear. i need to laugh at myself more when i fail. no worry about what other people think about me. i need to accept the fact that i am young and don’t know everything about the world, so of course i’m going to make mistakes.

- it seems kind of selfish that this is my biggest fear. it’s all about me, and how i appear.

AJ said...

fear of failure and the fear of not being accepted is mine.

p.s Mr.John I don't think that your fears are selfish. Because if they are then all fears are.

Eric said...

I don't think fears in and of themselves can be selfish. When we let our fears get in the way of doing something important because we're afraid to, that can sometimes be selfish.

One of my fears is that I will forget about something that I'm supposed to do. Then I won't do it. At this point, I start feeling like a failure. That's my fear.