Tuesday, November 13, 2007


if you somehow knew that the rapture was going to take place in 3 days, would it be wrong to marry just so you could have sex before GOD came back?

*i know that the bible says that no one knows what day GOD's going to come back on (matt. 13:32). clearly, this is a hypothetical question.
**i have strong convictions about this, but i want to wait to share them until i get some of your feedback.


AJ said...

Are you marrying some you love?

Anonymous said...

When i first thought about this, i thought; "what a selfish waste of time when you know there are people who would be damned and there you are getting it on with your wife."

Then i thought; "i already know there are people out there on the course to hell and what am i doing about it today?"

Personally, if i knew the end of things was at hand, there is nothing i would rather do than spend time with my wife and children.

Is that selfish? Perhaps. Is it wrong? I don't think so. Should knowledge of the end put the church into emergency evangelism mode? Perhaps. Should we already have a sense of urgency for those who die every day without knowing Jesus? Definitely.

But the root of your question is getting married for the "green light" to have sex. The answer to that is that the ability to have sinnless sex is NOT a good reason to get married, regardless of how long you expect to live.

.justin said...

...this is of course assuming that "the rapture" is a left-behind type of event that physically occurs at a certain one-size fits all time in history future...


AJ said...

First you never answered my question.

AJ said...

then hit us up with your thoughts

Mr. John said...

whether you’re marrying someone you do or do not love isn't really the point, and i think, if you loved her, you would want to get married for more than "just so you could have sex before God came back".

when you marry for sex i think it turns your marriage into a prolonged “one night stand” with no real commitment. marrying strictly for sex distorts God’s plan for marriage. it takes God out of the picture, and makes it all about you.

in the end, getting married is not a passport for free sex, unless you are getting married for the right reasons. marrying for sex is definitely not the right reason.

i completely agree with jeremy that it would be a utterly selfish waste of time. totally messed up priorities. (earthly perspective – heavenly perspective)