My role as a Christian and my role as an American have always been pressing issues in my mind.
for example gay marraige: The American in me says "I don't understand it but... it's a free country" The Christian Says "there is no way gay marraige should be allowed." Am I supposed to press my views onto others? I haven't really found an answer yet. But all that is off topic.
I have been issueless lately. It all starts to sound the same, social injustice, help the poor, worsip, you name it. Actually it all sounds like one huge, freakin long, NAG.
On the issue of gun control I don't really see this as a "christian" issue except in that Christians tend to vote republican. Then again... anything can be a Christian issue.
I suppose the most pressing issue is where my place is. Where is it God wants me? Slowly but surely I think that God is revealing to me my place.
Why "as a Christian" as apposed to an American?
well...lets just do both!
My role as a Christian and my role as an American have always been pressing issues in my mind.
for example gay marraige: The American in me says "I don't understand it but... it's a free country" The Christian Says "there is no way gay marraige should be allowed." Am I supposed to press my views onto others? I haven't really found an answer yet.
But all that is off topic.
I have been issueless lately. It all starts to sound the same, social injustice, help the poor, worsip, you name it. Actually it all sounds like one huge, freakin long, NAG.
On the issue of gun control I don't really see this as a "christian" issue except in that Christians tend to vote republican. Then again... anything can be a Christian issue.
I suppose the most pressing issue is where my place is. Where is it God wants me? Slowly but surely I think that God is revealing to me my place.
why do we need to distinguish between our roles as Christians and our roles as Americans? shouldn't we just be both? shouldn't they be intertwined?
yea, beware of dualism - compartmentalizing yourself. "Here i am a Christian, but here i am not."
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